
Video Testimonials, Endorsements, Written Testimonials, List of Supporters

Video Testimonials

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Written Testimonials

"During all the years I have interacted with GL in her leadership roles in Northampton, I have been impressed with her equanimity when the public discourse gets heated, her commitment to hearing all sides of an issue, her passion for transparent and inclusive decision-making, and her love for our city.
GL has my full support. We need her open heart and competent leadership now, we need her knowledge of Northampton and her experience with our system of governance, we need her balanced and collaborative approach to solving the problems that currently face our city."
Andrea Ayvazian GL Sciarra

-Rev. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian, Associate Pastor at Alden Baptist Church, Founder and Director of the Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership

I have witnessed firsthand her intelligence, energy, creative problem solving, hard work, collaborative approach, compassion, empathetic listening skills, open mind, kindness and good humor. When I pair all of these attributes with Gina-Louise’s depth of experience in local government and community affairs, I easily conclude that Gina-Louise is the person who I want navigating Northampton and its residents through these uncertain and challenging times.

Read Stephanie's full opinion letter in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

Stephanie Pouliot, Ward 4 Resident
“GL shows up, listens to everyone, brings people together, and gets things done. She has my vote.”
Jo Comerford, Massachusetts State Senator
Gina-Louise is the mayor candidate best prepared to maintain Northampton's AAA bond rating. As City Council Finance Committee chair, she has shown her ability to responsibly manage Northampton's $120 million budget. She has my full confidence.
Susan Wright, Former Northampton Finance Director
I'm a Tibetan American living in Florence. I support Gina-Louise Sciarra for the Mayor of Northampton because of her years of experience in the public office and more importantly her empathetic self.
Tsultrem Kunsang, Ward 6 Resident
GL listens intently so she can respond thoughtfully.
Heidi Haas, Ward 5 Resident
She's the right person at the right time! She'll make a positive difference for our community.
Jonathan & Ellie Lash, Ward 4 Residents
Gina-Louise Sciarra...has the integrity and the experience to be an effective mayor. Gina-Louise understands the major issues the city faces. At City Council meetings I’ve seen evidence that she listens and carefully considers all the angles and impacts of the decisions made.

Read Julia's full opinion letter in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

Julia Chevan, Ward 7 Resident, Member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Member of the Community Preservation Committee
Gina-Louise is very approachable and eager to have conversations about concerns and policies that matter to our community. As a member of First Churches, I am grateful for the work she did years ago as the Capital Campaign Manager in raising over $2 million to repair the severe damage to our historic sanctuary when the roof collapsed.
I am convinced that Gina-Louise would be a terrific mayor!

Read Annie's full opinion letter in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

Annie Link, Ward 1 Resident
As a senior in the Northampton school district it is important to me teens of Northampton are heard and listened to. Too often does it seem like our voice is not considered as a valid view due to our age. I believe GL will work to ensure all members of our community are heard and will work towards ensuring our government is representative of all members of our community, including the younger ones.
Meriel Phelan, Northampton High School Student
Peter Ives GL Jenny Fleming-Ives

-Rev. Dr. Peter Ives, retired pastor of First Churches, Northampton, Theologian in Residence of the Haydenville Congregational Church, co-host of WHMP radio program, “The Rev and The Rabbi.” & Jenny Fleming Ives, CNMW and Clinician at Tapestry

"At this time when many people feel our city is facing a multitude of crucial and important social justice issues and concerns, I feel confident that Gina-Louise will devote herself to bringing our city together and manage it well. She understands that Northampton has been historically, and still is, one of the United States’ great small cities."

Read Peter & Jenny's full opinion letter in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

List of Supporters

Joan Abdul-Rasool

MJ Adams

Norma Adler

Gwen Agna

N Norma Akamatsu

Kate Aleo

Michael Aleo

Jude Almeida

Andrea Ayvazian

Gina Ayvazian

Lee Badgett

Gregory Baker

Rachel Baker

Susan Balaban

Marge Barnett

Lisa Baskin

Pauline Bassett

Don Baumer

Polly Baumer

Wendy Berg

Hanni Beyer Lee

Maggie Bittel

David Bloomberg

Laura Bogart

Bob Boulrice

Gretchen Browne-Courage

Karen Browne-Courage

Jennifer Brunton

Caroline Burgess

Marcia Burick

Elizabeth Burnworth

Sarah Buttenwieser

Seth Cable

Summer Cable

Matilda Cantwell

Margi Caplan

Kate Cardoso

John Carmody

Maureen Carney

Margaret Carsley

Julia Chevan

Lisa Clauson

Alex Cohen

Joseph Cohen

Jo Comerford

Rich Cooper

Kevin Cox

Sallie Deans Lake

Dennis Desmond

Linda Desmond

Jennifer Dieringer

Toni Doherty

Candace Drimmer

Gary Drimmer

Lauren Duffy

Christine Dutton

Bill Dwight

Valle Dwight

Kristen Elechko

Marissa Elkins

Eugene Ferrari

Kaitlyn Ferrari

Jane Fleishman

Jenny Fleming-Ives

Kelsey Flynn

Mary Lavo Ford

Karen Foster

Josh Frankenstein

Elliot Fratkin

John Frey

Melissa Frydlo

Penny Geis

Marian Geller

Kim Gerould

Alex Ghiselin

Penny Gill

Nancy Goldstein

Amy Greeman

Alfred Griggs

Sally Griggs

Heidi Haas

Richard Hart

Alice Hearst

K Hellman

Ann Hennessey

Marjorie Hess

Karen Hodges

David Hoose

Jeanne Henry Hoose

Sam Hopper

Will Hopper

Jack Hornor

Roberto Irizarry

Peter Ives

Alex Jarrett

Catherine Jennings

Alison Jones

Michael Kane

Ricki Kantrowitz

Frederick Kass

Jessye Kass

Alan Katz

Cathy Kay

Maryann Kelly

Mia Kim Sullivan

Michael Klare

Tsultrem Kunsang

City Councilor Marianne LaBarge

Kerry LaBounty

Kevin Lake

Cynthia Langley

Meg Largey

Ellie Lash

Jonathan Lash

Ellie Levine

Lida Lewis

Francis Lin

Annie Link

Claire Lobdell

Lilly Lombard

Michael Longley

John Loveless

Christopher Lucas

Peggy Lucey

Javier Luengo

Patrick Mahoney

Christina Maxwell

Matthew Maxwell

Thomas Mccormick

Jenifer Mckenna

Donna Meller

Yelena Mikich

Margaret Miller

Sarah Mochak

Karl Moore

Katherine Moos

Stanley Moulton

Elizabeth Mullin

Beth Myers

Gwen Nabad

David Narkewicz

Martha Nathan

Wendy Newton

Gina Nortonsmith

Heidi Nortonsmith

Adam Novitt

Priscilla Novitt

Shauneen O'Donnell Kocot

Aidan O'Donoghue

Phil O'Donoghue

Jaime Olander

Pete Olsen

Traci Olsen

Debby Pastrich-Klemer

Kate Pastrich-Klemer

Meriel Phelan

Stephen Platt

Stephanie Pouliot

Emily Quintana

Jeffrey K. Rankin

Robert Reckman

Valerie Reiss

Marilyn Richards

Alyssa Richardson

Michael Romanovitch

Karen Rowe

Alex Russell

Carolyn Sailer

Maureen Scanlon

Anisa Schardl

Barbara Scher

Bill Scher

Macci Schmidt

Pamela Schwartz

Maureen Senn-McNally

Molly Senn-McNally

Michelle Serra

Tish Serrani

Barbara Sharp

Rebecca Shaw

Naomi Shulman

Robin Silva

Elizabeth Silver

Rachel Simmons

Grace Simonette

Rachel Simpson

Ron Skinn

Sarah Smith

Elizabeth Solomon

Barbara Solow

Helen Spiegel Lee

Steven Stander

Jon Steinberg

Jill Stern

David P. Stevens

Joan Tabachnick

Jo Ella Tarbutton-Springfield

Jennifer Taub

John Thorpe

Susan Torrey

Linda Tropp

Jonathan Tucker

Jaz Tupelo

Marian VanArsdell

Marcel Walters

Dale West

Katy Wight

Megan Wolf

Kim Wolfson

Jonathan Wright

Meg Wright

Jonathan Wynn

Robyn Wynn

Natasha Yakovlev

I am so appreciative of your support!

To be added to this list of supporters – and to join our campaign team to help in any way that works for you –
please fill out our volunteer form. Thank you!